Clear Mind. Healthy Body. Peaceful Soul.
A Life of Balance and Enlightenment
Founded in Stockton in 2020, we believe in living a life full of joy, gratitude, and free of judgement. These feelings inform and guide our core teachings and practices at Spark., as we focus on helping students better connect to themselves and their surroundings. We offer a variety of services, classes, workshops, and more to help all of our students achieve the ultimate goal of clear mind, health body, peaceful soul.
Love and Light.
Want to start your yoga journey and have specific areas you want to work on? Let's get the fire started with private yoga sessions. We start you private yoga experience with a FREE 30-minute intake process so we can develop a yoga program centered around your goals.
Need some extra support in your journey? Maybe you have had an event that has uncomfortably shifted your life around or you simply want to engage in a spiritual and holistic conversation about specific issue you are working through. Gain confidence and clarity back into your life